Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Classic Colors

I recently purchased a box of crayons. I indulged and went for the 48 count box. I say "indulged" and not "splurged" because the 48 count ran me only .049¢ a crayon, plus tax. That's right, a deal I could not pass up at only $2.37 for the whole box.

The need for crayons came about because I have a penchant for creative gift wrapping, and with a particularly important brown-paper-wrapped gift in my hands, I found myself with no coloring implements. My neighbor loaned me her 'like new' Crayola 16 pack, and I used them beyond the point of acceptable return. I had to replace the Crayolas. So I was in the crayon aisle looking for a 16 pack, but of course, there was no 16 pack. After some deliberation, I went for the next best thing: the big but compact 48 pack, a triple decker not much wider than the 16. And of course, at $2.37 a pack, i got one for myself too. 

After the requisite few days sitting in the bag on the table in my living room, and a few more days sitting unpacked on the same table, I decided to use the crayons. I googled "adult coloring page" (impressive search query, right?), hit print, and I was ready to do this thing. I made a quick color decision and started in on the biggest portion of the Work. Clearly its not terribly hard to color in a pattern printed on a piece of copy paper, but still, I didn't want to overthink it. I just wanted to enjoy it and have some fun.

I won't say it was all that exciting, but it was a nice change from surfing the internet or playing games on a smartphone or tablet. Maybe i'll do a jigsaw puzzle next. 

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