Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mexican Breakfast

On the weekends I usually have some creative breakfast ideas brewing, and today was no exception. This creation turned out to be really delicious and I'm extra proud because it is made from all "whole food" ingredients, nothing processed and everything home made (except for the cholula hot sauce). Another great thing about today's breakfast was that I was able to use some things I already had in the fridge. 

And I present to you:
Griddled Brown Rice Patty with Mixed Beans and Fried Egg

I used cooked brown rice from the fridge to make the patties. I put two handfulls of cold rice into my Blendtec blender on the "grind grains" setting until it was fluffy and uniform. I seasoned the rice meal with salt and pepper.

Then I formed the mixture into flat patties and put them on the griddle with a little butter.

Using the brown rice was more nutritious than an average slice of bread, and beans on bread is just too fluffy/starchy for me. The rice patties came out crisp and sturdy, a nice contrast to the soft beans.

I fried some farm fresh eggs hatched only days ago that I picked up with my first CSA share from my local organic farm.

Finally assembly:
I topped the brown rice patty with a spoonful of mixed beans (previously cooked with chicken stock), a generous dousing of Cholula hot sauce and a beautifully orange yolked egg.

Yum. And it was a hit with my testy tester as well.


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